Die wichtigsten Operatoren (Englisch Oberstufe)

AnalyseExamine in detail in order to explain the meaning
and structure of something Comment onGive a personal view of a topic, giving evidence to
support your opinion ClassifyArrange in groups according to shared qualities
or characteristics Compare / ContrastDescribe similarities and differences DefineState the nature or meaning of something DescribeExpress what something or somebody is like,
dealing with all the relevant details DiscussExamine an issue from all sides before stating
your personal opinion ExplainClarify something by giving reasons EvaluateForm an opinion on the quality or value of
something after having considered it carefully Give a characterisation ofDescribe the typical features of somebody or
something, giving examples IllustrateMake something clear by providing relevant
examples OutlineGive a structured, general account of something,
referring to the relevant elements omitting details SummarisePresent the main points in a condensed form,
omitting details and examples

  1. Operatoren, die im Wesentlichen auf die sachliche Beschreibung, Sammlung, Wiedergabe abzielen:
    Compare, Define, Describe, Illustrate, Outline
  2. Operatoren, die im Wesentlichen auf Analyse abzielen:
    Analyse, Classify ; Explain ; Give a characterisation of ; Summarise
  3. Operatoren, die eine begründete persönliche Wertung bzw. Stellungnahme fordern:
    Comment on, Discuss, Evaluate